Scratch 4 Arduino
From Vision - Multimedia Education
Contents |
What is it ?
S4A is a Scratch modification that supports simple programming of the Arduino open source hardware platform. It provides new blocks for managing sensors and actuators connected to Arduino. There is also a sensor report board similar to the PicoBoard.
It has been created to attract people to the programming world. The goal is also to provide a high level interface to Arduino programmers with functionalities such as interacting with a set of boards through user events.
What is Scratch?
Què és Scratch? Scratch és un entorn d´aprenentatge desenvolupat pel Lifelong Kindergarten Group al MIT Media Lab. És 100% programari lliure, i pretén apropar la programació a tothom a partir de 8 anys. Actualment s´està utilitzant a tot el món, i les experiències amb Scratch es troben a tot arreu (com es va poder veure al Scratch Day)
El llenguatge de programació vinculat a l´entorn Scratch és un llenguatge imperatiu amb les construccions fonamentals (variables, assignació, bucles, condicionals i crida a funcions i accions) ampliades amb un grup molt nombrós d instruccions per poder treballar en projectes multimèdia. Un projecte Scratch serà típicament un joc o una animació sofisticada amb dibuixos, icones, so i altres gràfics en moviment (podeu fer-vos-en una idea visitant els projectes que seguidors d´Scratch deixen a la plana web ). El que és més original d´Scratch és la metàfora que hi ha al darrera, que és ni més ni menys que la dels jocs de blocs, tipus Lego o l´antic Tente. Cada instrucció, o conjunt d´instruccions encastades, es relaciona amb d´altres enganxant-se al costat si les succeeix o precedeix o dins si passa a formar part d´una estructura superior, com un bucle. Així anirem construint els nostres programes, peça a peça, ben bé com si estiguéssim fent un castell
Scratch is a very simple programing-language designe
What is Arduno?
What can I do with it ?
Teach kids or youngsters to program and build his own toys or inventions.
The uses are up to your imagination, but we present some exemples that can be replicated
Who can use this?
Anyone who its interested in electronics and want to teach
What do I Need ?
- A board of Arduino, there are different models, the most common are arduino uno
- One computer, with Linux, Windows, or Mac
- diferent electronic components, u can buy or just take it from old toys
How to download
- Scratch for arduino software:
- Arduino: (The drivers comes with the installer)
How to install
in the arduino homepage there is a guide for install the diferent models of arduino boards and for each O.S
we provide some examples of what can be done, but as we said they are just exemples, what u can do only its limited by imagination.
Example 1: Robot whit a remote controller
In this exemple we are going to explain how to build a robot made with one arduino board and two engines of continus rotation, controlled by another board with and acceleremeter, two leds and two botons
What we need?
- 1 x Arduino board:
- 1 x protoshield:
- 1 x sticky board:
- 2 x servomotors Parallax Futaba continus rotation:,ProductName
- 1 x cable usb:
Remote Controler:
- 1 x Arduino board:
- 1 x protoshield:
- 1 x sticky board:
- 1 x acceleremeter:
- 2 x LEDS (of different colors, for example 1 red and 1 green): (9590 red, 9592 green)
- 2 x switchers:
- 1 x usb cable:
How to do it?
Example 2: Kandinsky instrument
This one its a little musicbox that works playing notes, depending in how u put ur hand.
What we need?
- 1 x Arduino board:
- 1 x InfraRed Sensor:
- 1 x sticky board:
- 1 x cable usb:
- 1 x protoshield:
- 1 x LED RGB: http://
- 3 x Resistors 220 ohms
- 1 x usb cable:
How to do it?
What´s more?
Useful information?
- It could be connecte to another profile dedicated to organitzations.