Talk:Main Page
From Vision - Multimedia Education
Working on manifesto:
Pedagogical manifesto
Vision stands for….
Learner-centric learning process
Contributing to the positive human-machine cohabitation
(Being a media user as opposed to being used by media)
Endorsing information accessibility
Experimenting (???what???)
Exploring computational thinking…
... and Promoting conscious and autonomous exploration
Vision sources from…
Intercultural fusion
Diversity of perceptions and practice
Dynamic of collective intelligence
Synergy of creative potentials
Open – sourceness
Digital richness…
... and Tools variety
Vision recognizes a profound significance of the inter-dimensional communication between the virtual and the real.
- Youngster in the center of the process
- Learn by doing
- Non formal way of learning
- Edupunk
- Do It Yourself
- Expanded education
- Computational thinking
- Design thinking