Vision @ Orleans
Posted by alexserra on Dec 3, 2010 in Blog | 0 commentsThe first meeting of the project Vision took place in Orléans, the
Tuesday :
Welcome / Project update, visit of the building
Exchange discussion with H.Bazin on issues of media education :
- what’s a media,
- what are the objectif of media education
Video screening of the international Festival Nemo
Wednesday :
Conference / Youth and Media
- S. Tisseron
- D. Grellier
Presenting plans for media literacy
- N.Caclard
Experiences of the partnaires, practices of youth
Concerts and vidéo mapping
Thursday :
Debate and discussion of pedagogical kits
Evening P2P2P
Friday :
Workshops of media education
Saturday :
During the project, for us, it will be a matter of reflecting and producing multimedia pedagogical resources and pedagogical devices that should/must allow a work on media and multimedia education.
It will be a question of adapting and inventing a large palette of tools and devices which will help young people to understand better the process intervening in the production of multimedia contents and to develop critical thinking, for each of them, towards the use of tools available to them on a daily basis.
This tools kit will have to be as wide as possible when it comes to mobilize Information Technology in order to open up new horizons for youngsters and to help them grasp a whole combination of possibilities while nowadays, their uses seem relatively limited (only chat rooms, blogs, e-mails, browsing a few websites only, etc.)
This work will be carried out on a national and European scale within the scope of cooperation between networks, so as to reach a considerable diversity of audiences and especially those who are, in principle, in some social, economical, educational situations making them more fragile and easily influenced in their choices and lose ground in the local democratic life. The youngsters who are the targets of our action will be linked to workshop works in which they will be both the beneficiaries and the players.