Vision @ Porto
Posted by alexserra on Dec 15, 2010 in Blog | 0 commentsWorkshop of production – Portugal, Porto 02-07 December 2010
After the project meeting in Orléans in May 2010 the partners reunited for the production workshops in Portugal.
The participants were accommodated in the center of Porto, the workshops had been taken place in the space close by.
First day, Friday, was dedicated to the project in general – the administrative issues, the communication between the partners, our expectations and necessities. The participants discussed the objectives of the activities and defined the common point in the process of project development.
In the following morning the partners, along with other guests, gathered to attend a small conference. This meeting was an opportunity to get to know the local network of media and education institutions from the area of Porto. The participants exchanged the ideas, shared practices, developed new concepts. The afternoon was more interactive. With the support of open space technology the group discussed various aspects of the multimedia education, pointed the challenges and searched for ideas. Moreover we have managed to plan the future steps within the Vision project and reached common agreement about the partners’ tasks. Sunday was the day of getting to know Porto and it’s cultural side. The group visited the Casa da Música ( www.casadamusica.com ) and attended the music concert. The time between these activities we had spent chatting about the opportunities within this project, the possible development of the partnership in the future. The last day of the programme were workshops lead by each partner and addressed to the local students coming from the school of AE2O and the secondary technical school. Each workshop was a presentation of the methods used by the partners in their organisations and in the same time an interactive exercise for the students, who could test proposed tools.
As the evaluation feedback shows, this meeting was a useful step in the Vision process. All the partners had a chance to express the doubts and explain particular expectations towards the project and cooperation.